Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Research : Christmas' Tree

The Christmas Tree itself originated in Germany in the 16th century.  It was common for the Germanic people to decorate fir trees with roses, apples and colored paper.  Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, is believed to have been the first to light a Christmas tree with candles.  Returning home one dark winter's night near Christmas, he was struck by the beauty of the starlight shinning through the branches of a small fir tree outside his home.  He duplicated the starlight by using candles attached to the branches of his indoor Christmas tree.  The practice soon caught on and eventually spread to Britain around the 19th century.  The Christmas tree is the focal point of Christmas celebrations and having it lit up in the home invokes excellent growth energy.  On the top of the tree is an angel and surrounding the tree are twinkling lights -- very auspicious indeed to close the year with a bang and to welcome in the New Year.

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