Monday, November 19, 2012

Screen Based Artworks 2

Before Click

After Click
Media Art Assignment 01
Themes: Screen Based Artworks

Name           : Goh Wen Shyan
ID                 : 1112701437
Artwork Title : “Colourful Night”
Artist Statement : The purpose of this design is to convey teenagers is time to control your nightlife now, don’t regret when you are getting older and all the Disease come to you, so the target audience for this design is Teenager.
“Colourful” Night, the colourful in this design its is remain two meaning, the first one is the beauty, the moment you enjoy, the moment you are happy with it. The second meaning is What kind of Disease you will get after it, something bad happen after it. So I use Colourful for this title is to represent when the good and bad mix together.

The incomplete square box : is to represent not everything is perfection even its look beauty and colourful. It could be lack of something.
Smoke: to represent the second hand smoke, and the effects on it.
Skull : is to represent the alcohol’s damaging effects on the brain.

Font : the font I use is “The Vandor Spot” its seem like techno, digital that kind of typeface.

Screen Based Artworks 1

Before roll over / click 

After roll over / click
Media Art Assignment 01
Themes: Screen Based Artworks

Name           : Goh Wen Shyan
ID                 : 1112701437
Artwork Title : “Gathering Christmas”
Artist Statement : The message behind this artwork is to express the feeling and to encourage people the important of Family Gathering, teenagers nowadays doesn’t appreciate parents and their family, so the purpose for this design is to encourage them the important of it by using the Grouping of frame , the target audience is kids and teenagers. Firstly, I will using typography to transform to the certain design,feeling,emotion about the Celebration of Christmas. When roll over, click on the typography it will transform .

Green/Red colour : to represent the feeling of Christmas. Based on the research this is the colour that people usually use to decoration when Christmas.
Frame: A square frame is symbolize one group with 4 lines,and the frame all put near together is represent the frame is gathering. Means that the few groups of people is gathering together.
Font: I using Copper Black,Regular for the title of this design is because the typeface is thick and its feel like group together and near together.
W : Will transform into the Star
O: Will transform into the Snowman
I: Will transform into the Christmas Tree
V: Will transform into the Snowflakes
J: Will transform into the Stocking
X:Will transform into the Ribbons of the Gift Box



Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, impaired memory: Clearly, alcohol affects the brain. Some of these impairments are detectable after only one or two drinks and quickly resolve when drinking stops. On the other hand, a person who drinks heavily over a long period of time may have brain deficits that persist well after he or she achieves sobriety. Exactly how alcohol affects the brain and the likelihood of reversing the impact of heavy drinking on the brain remain hot topics in alcohol research today.
We do know that heavy drinking may have extensive and far–reaching effects on the brain, ranging from simple “slips” in memory to permanent and debilitating conditions that require lifetime custodial care. And even moderate drinking leads to short–term impairment, as shown by extensive research on the impact of drinking on driving.
A number of factors influence how and to what extent alcohol affects the brain (1), including
  • how much and how often a person drinks;
  • the age at which he or she first began drinking, and how long he or she has been drinking;
  • the person’s age, level of education, gender, genetic background, and family history of alcoholism;
  • whether he or she is at risk as a result of prenatal alcohol exposure; and
  • his or her general health status.
This Alcohol Alert reviews some common disorders associated with alcohol–related brain damage and the people at greatest risk for impairment. It looks at traditional as well as emerging therapies for the treatment and prevention of alcohol–related disorders and includes a brief look at the high–tech tools that are helping scientists to better understand the effects of alcohol on the brain.

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Research: The Effects of Second Hand Smoke

Secondhand Smoke

What is secondhand smoke?

Secondhand smoke (SHS) is also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). SHS is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that come from burning tobacco:
  • Sidestream smoke – smoke from the lighted end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar
  • Mainstream smoke – the smoke exhaled by a smoker
Even though we think of these as the same, they aren’t. Sidestream smoke has higher concentrations of cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) than mainstream smoke. And, it has smaller particles than mainstream smoke, which make their way into the lungs and the body’s cells more easily.
When non-smokers are exposed to SHS it is called involuntary smoking or passive smoking. Non-smokers who breathe in SHS take in nicotine and toxic chemicals by the same route smokers do. The more SHS you breathe, the higher the level of these harmful chemicals in your body.

Why is secondhand smoke a problem?

Secondhand smoke causes cancer

Secondhand smoke is classified as a “known human carcinogen” (cancer-causing agent) by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US National Toxicology Program, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization.
Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemical compounds. More than 250 of these chemicals are known to be harmful, and at least 69 are known to cause cancer.
SHS has been linked to lung cancer. There is also some evidence suggesting it may be linked with childhood leukemia and cancers of the larynx (voice box), pharynx (throat), brain, bladder, rectum, stomach, and breast.
IARC reported in 2009 that parents who smoked before and during pregnancy were more likely to have a child with hepatoblastoma. This rare cancer is thought to start while the child is still in the uterus. Compared with non-smoking parents, the risk was about twice as high if only one parent smoked, but nearly 5 times higher when both parents smoked.

Secondhand smoke and breast cancer

Whether SHS increases the risk of breast cancer is an issue that’s still being studied. Both mainstream and SHS have about 20 chemicals that, in high concentrations, cause breast cancer in rodents. And we know that in humans, chemicals from tobacco smoke reach breast tissue and are found in breast milk.
One reason the link between SHS and breast cancer risk in human studies is uncertain is because breast cancer risk has not been shown to be increased in active smokers. One possible explanation for this is that tobacco smoke might have different effects on breast cancer risk in smokers and in those who are exposed to SHS.
A report from the California Environmental Protection Agency in 2005 concluded that the evidence regarding SHS and breast cancer is “consistent with a causal association” in younger women. This means the SHS acts as if it could be a cause of breast cancer in these women. The 2006 US Surgeon General’s report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, sums it up by saying that there is “suggestive but not sufficient” evidence of a link.
Research is still being done, but women should be told that this possible link to breast cancer is yet another reason to avoid being around SHS.

Secondhand smoke causes other kinds of diseases and death

Secondhand smoke can cause harm in many ways. Each year in the United States alone, it is responsible for:
  • An estimated 46,000 deaths from heart disease in people who are current non-smokers
  • About 3,400 lung cancer deaths in non-smoking adults
  • Worse asthma and asthma-related problems in up to 1 million asthmatic children
  • Between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections (lung and bronchus) in children under 18 months of age, with 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations each year
  • Children exposed to secondhand smoke are much more likely to be put into intensive care when they have the flu, they are in the hospital longer, and are more likely to need breathing tubes than kids who aren’t exposed to SHS
  • In the United States, the costs of extra medical care, illness, and death caused by SHS are over $10 billion per year

Surgeon General’s reports: Findings on smoking, secondhand smoke, and health

Since 1964, 34 separate US Surgeon General’s reports have been written to make the public aware of the health issues linked to tobacco and SHS. The ongoing research used in these reports still supports the fact that tobacco and SHS are linked to serious health problems that could be prevented. The reports have highlighted many important findings on SHS, such as:
  • SHS kills children and adults who don’t smoke.
  • SHS causes disease in children and in adults who don’t smoke.
  • Exposure to SHS while pregnant increases the chance that a woman will have a spontaneous abortion, stillborn birth, low birth-weight baby, and other pregnancy and delivery problems.
  • Babies and children exposed to SHS are at an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory infections, ear infections, and more severe and frequent asthma attacks.
  • Smoking by parents can cause wheezing, coughing, bronchitis, and pneumonia, and slow lung growth in their children.
  • SHS immediately affects the heart, blood vessels, and blood circulation in a harmful way. Over time it can cause heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks.
  • SHS causes lung cancer in people who have never smoked. Even brief exposure can damage cells in ways that set the cancer process in motion.
  • Chemicals in tobacco smoke damage sperm which might reduce fertility and harm fetal development. SHS is known to damage sperm in animals, but more studies are needed to find out its effects in humans.
  • There is no safe level of exposure to SHS. Any exposure is harmful.
  • Many millions of Americans, both children and adults, are still exposed to SHS in their homes and workplaces despite a great deal of progress in tobacco control.
  • On average, children are exposed to more SHS than non-smoking adults.
  • The only way to fully protect non-smokers from exposure to SHS indoors is to prevent all smoking in that indoor space or building. Separating smokers from non-smokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot keep non-smokers from being exposed to SHS.

Where is secondhand smoke a problem?

You should be especially concerned about exposure to secondhand smoke in these 4 places:

At work

The workplace is a major source of SHS exposure for many adults.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the federal agency responsible for health and safety in the workplace, is concerned about SHS as a possible carcinogen at work. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and OSHA recognize there are no known safe levels of SHS, and recommend that exposures be reduced to the lowest possible levels.
SHS in the workplace has been linked to an increased risk for heart disease and lung cancer among adult non-smokers. The Surgeon General has said that smoke-free workplace policies are the only way to do away with SHS exposure at work. Separating smokers from non-smokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating the building cannot prevent exposure if people still smoke inside the building. An extra bonus other than protecting non-smokers is that workplace smoking restrictions may also encourage smokers to smoke less, or even quit.

In public places

Everyone can be exposed to SHS in public places, such as restaurants, shopping centers, public transportation, schools, and daycare centers. The Surgeon General has suggested people choose restaurants and other businesses that are smoke-free, and let owners of businesses that are not smoke-free know that SHS is harmful to your family’s health.
Some businesses seem to be afraid to ban smoking, but there’s no proof that going smoke-free is bad for business. Public places where children go are a special area of concern. Make sure that your children’s day care center or school is smoke-free.

At home

Making your home smoke-free may be one of the most important things you can do for the health of your family. Any family member can develop health problems related to SHS.
Children’s growing bodies are especially sensitive to the poisons in SHS. Asthma, lung infections, and ear infections are more common in children who are around smokers. Some of these problems can be serious and even life-threatening. Others may seem like small problems, but they add up quickly — the expenses, time for doctor visits, medicines, lost school time, and often lost work time for the parent who must stay home with a sick child.
Think about it: we spend more time at home than anywhere else. A smoke-free home protects your family, your guests, and even your pets.
Multi-unit housing where smoking is allowed is a special concern and a subject of research. Tobacco smoke can move through air ducts, wall and floor cracks, elevator shafts, and along crawl spaces to contaminate apartments on other floors, even those that are far from the smoke. SHS cannot be controlled with ventilation, air cleaning, or by separating smokers from non-smokers.

In the car

Americans spend a great deal of time in cars, and if someone smokes there, the poisons can build up quickly. Again, this can be especially harmful to children.
In response to this fact, the US Environmental Protection Agency has been working to encourage people to make their cars, as well as their homes, smoke-free. Some states and cities even have laws that ban smoking in the car if carrying passengers under a certain age or weight. And many facilities such as city buildings, malls, schools, colleges, and hospitals ban smoking on their grounds, including their parking lots.

What about smoking odors?

There is no research in the medical literature as yet that shows cigarette odors cause cancer in people. Research does show that particles from secondhand tobacco smoke can settle into dust and onto surfaces and remain there long after the smoke is gone — some studies suggest the particles can last for months. Researchers call thisthirdhand smoke or residual tobacco smoke. Studies have shown that the particles that settle out from tobacco smoke can form more cancer-causing compounds.
Though unknown, the cancer-causing effects would likely be small compared with direct exposure to SHS. The compounds may be stirred up and inhaled with other house dust, but may also be absorbed through the skin or accidentally taken in through the mouth. This is why any risk the compounds pose may be larger for babies and children who play on the floor and often put things in their mouths. No actual cancer risk has been measured, but the health risks of thirdhand smoke are an active area of research.

What can be done about secondhand smoke?

Local, state, and federal authorities can enact public policies to protect people from SHS and protect children from tobacco-caused diseases and addiction. Because there are no safe levels of SHS, it’s important that any such policies be as strong as possible, and that they do not prevent action at other levels of government.
Many US local and state governments, and even federal governments in some other countries, have decided that protecting the health of employees and others in public places is of the utmost importance. Many have passed clean indoor air laws. Although the laws vary from place to place, they are becoming more common. Detailed information on smoking restrictions in each state is available from the American Lung Association at

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Research : The important of family Gathering/Reunions

The important of Family Gathering

Family gatherings with relatives and love ones may be more important than you may realize. Do you sometimes consider that your family was the first school that you entered when you arrived on this earth.  More importantly, Family Gatherings provides our children an opportunity to meet relatives, learn about the family ancestry, medical history, family values and relationships.

Developing positive relationships with family members actually plays an important role on just how successful and happy you might become later on in life. In addition, did you know that people with extended family connections tend to be more literate and often times reach out to get more education and better jobs? Some of us might even admit that Family Gatherings can often times be a lot of fun. We have certainly had good times at our 31 annual reunions. 

The decision several members of our family made 31 years ago, influenced us to meet during times of happiness, rather than during times of tragedy or death. The family values developed through the years has provided us with a solid foundation to love one another.  Though technology affords us an opportunity to keep in touch more easily, we must caution ourselves not to rely too much on long-distance technological conveniences, like e-mail, Face Book, My Space, Twitter and texting. These practices cannot replace the experience of actually gathering at the same location with family and love ones.

As one of the elders of our family, we ask each of you to get involved and participate in family activities. Doing so will strength our family relationships as our families continue to grow. The primary purpose of this website to broaden our ability to communicate and share information with each other. The site belongs to each of you and will hopefully reflect the experiences and accomplishment of every family member.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Research : Bars And club aren't all bad

Bars And Clubs Aren't All Bad

I've noticed that as a group people who report other social issues also have a general tendency to dislike bars and clubs. The attitude sometimes comes across as fairly intense and bitter as well, almost like they hold a grudge against the very idea of clubbing. I don't think going to them is as bad as some people make it out to be. I'll go into this idea below. I'll try to take a balanced approach of acknowledging clubbing isn't perfect, but also sticking up for it and pointing out where I think the appeal is. Like with some of my other articles, my general goal isn't really to convince you you must take part in a particular activity to do better socially, but rather to hopefully soften your view on it if it's overly negative.

Clubbing definitely has its flaws

I'd be crazy to say there was nothing annoying about going to clubs. There are at least a dozen reasons to get put off by them. It's not hard to see how some people could decide it's not their thing.
  • They can be overcrowded.
  • They can be way too loud, often to the point where you can barely talk to anyone.
  • They can be cheesy.
  • They can be pretentious.
  • They can be overpriced (cover charge/drinks/coat check/VIP section, etc.).
  • The staff can be rude and arrogant.
  • They can be stiflingly hot.
  • They can be smelly and dirty.
  • They may have annoying dress codes.
  • They can sketchy and dangerous.
  • The music can be awful.
  • The atmosphere can be very superficial.
  • You may have to wait forever to get a drink.
  • The lights can be overly intense, annoying, and blinding.
  • They can be full of drunk idiots.
  • People may be stuck up, rude, obnoxious, or catty towards you.
  • If you're a guy, some jerk may try to pick a fight with you.
  • You may not directly get into a confrontation, but be near one when it happens and have your night ruined by the bad vibes it causes.
  • If you're a girl you'll probably get groped, harassed, and hit on by idiots.
  • If you go out a lot, and see the same people week after week, they can sometimes be a very vapid, unhealthy group of friends.
  • You may have to wait in line for a long time (even worse if it was all a trick, and the place is dead once you get inside).
Even among people who like clubbing, these things sometimes get on their nerves. Sometimes their night will be ruined because of something that goes wrong.

People who don't mind clubbing don't have as bad a reaction to the annoying parts

I've noticed people who like clubbing acknowledge its flaws, but don't get as bent out of shape about them as some of us do.
  • They plain don't care about some things that other people find annoying (e.g., crowded conditions, how everyone is acting, cover charge, etc.)
  • They see some of the annoyances more as minor nuisances than deal breakers.
  • They go in knowing what they can and can't do at clubs. They don't get ticked off because they can't do something like have an in-depth conversation, because they never went in with the expectation that they could do that. It's a theme I often bring up in relation to other issues. It's easier to enjoy things if you take them for what they are, rather than getting annoyed at what they might have been.
  • They see the annoyances as coming with the territory. They realize some of the flaws of clubbing are a natural side-effect of the things that can make them fun.

Most people reach a point where they don't go clubbing as much, if at all

Clubbing has enough drawbacks that many people do it less and less as they get older. Some stop going at all and will tell you they don't like it anymore. To be fair, there are other reasons this happens, such as having more responsibilities and plain getting older, but plenty of people simply feel that it all just starts to get old over the years. Some of the novelty wears off, and even if you're good natured about clubbing's flaws, they still start to wear you down after you've experienced them enough.

Reasons people go out to bars and clubs

So I covered the down sides. In my experience bars and clubs offer people plenty of reasons to go to them as well. I find people who dislike them tend to be dismissive of these reasons though. I'll get more into that afterwards. Here are the usual reasons people go clubbing.
  • To dance.
  • To hear music they like, sometimes through a good sound system.
  • To see a certain band or DJ play.
  • To drink.
  • To get out of the house and go somewhere.
  • To go out and hang out with a few friends.
  • To go out in a big group.
  • To go out and see the other regulars and staff you know will be there.
  • To go out and meet new people.
  • For a chance to hook up with someone.
  • To shoot some pool.
  • To watch a game.
  • Just to be in an interesting, stimulating environment (i.e., music, lights, decor, etc.)
  • To blow off steam after a rough week of working or classes.
  • To be out in a big group of people.
  • To do drugs.
  • To check a new place out and see what it's like.
  • To be out in your 'scene' with like-minded people.
  • To dress up and do something more glitzy than day-to-day life.
  • To be somewhere that's happening.

"The things people do in clubs are shallow"

When you read the list above, did you catch yourself turning up your nose at any of the points? "Ugh, dancing is so mindless. Why do people like it?" That's the first way people who dislike clubbing tend to dismiss it. They see everything that draws people to clubs as shallow and below them. My main response to that is you don't have to like everything, but things like dancing and listening to good music are fun for their own sake. What's wrong with that? You probably do fun, pointless things other people don't see the big deal about too.
The other thing to watch out for is saying you don't like something for reasons that don't really have to do with the activity itself. For example, someone may think they don't like clubbing because it's annoying, but they're really a little jealous of the people who do it. I cover this ego-cushioning thinking in this article.
Of course compared to reading philosophy, things like dancing and doing shots actually are shallow. But there's no law that says you have to be doing deep, thoughtful things 100% of the time. Everyone has things they do just for the fun of it.

"The only reason people really go to clubs is to..."

This is the second way people write off clubbing. Their reasoning is that while people supposedly go clubbing to dance or whatever, they really have a less flattering ulterior motive. The implication is that no one could really like what clubbing has to offer for its own sake, the only reason they're in it is for something else. The one's I've heard are:
  • People only really go clubbing to try and get laid.
  • Girls really only go clubbing for the attention they get from men.
  • Guys only really go to bars because they want to act macho and get into fights.
  • Girls really only go clubbing to get free drinks and to feed their egos.
  • People only really go clubbing to get wasted.
  • People only really go clubbing to feel superior and to judge other people.
Don't get me wrong, tons of people go clubbing with the sole purpose of trying to hook up. Many more people don't go out completely for one of the reasons above, but it does factor into their thinking. Also, certain bars are known for being places where you only go if you're looking for a one-night stand, or to do ecstasy, or whatever.
Not every last person who goes clubbing has these motivations though. It's negative and cynical to paint everyone with the same brush. A lot of times if someone wants to go to a club to dance with their friends they really do just want to dance. Plenty of people still go clubbing during the times when they're dating someone. They don't lose all interest in them as soon as they get into a relationship.

Clubs are mostly full of good, regular people

A common sentiment about bars and clubs is that they're full of annoying, superficial people. I can't deny some club goers fit this description, but I think most of them are just like anyone else. My logic is that most people are alright, and a good proportion of them go to bars and clubs, so if you go to a place full of people, they can't all be empty-headed and irritating. There's also the argument that you've probably been to clubs before, and you're not a moron, so it's reasonable to assume other people are in the same boat.
The environment tends to make everyone sure seem shallow though:
  • People usually dress up when they go out. That makes everyone look like the stereotypical shallow clubber, even if they're law students by day. Otherwise down-to-earth guys put on their shiny shoes and stripey shirts. Normal, level-headed girls put on their sparkly make-up and revealing tops.
  • People who are clubbing are admittedly there to have some mindless fun. So of course they won't be showing the more thoughtful sides of their personality. Even if they wanted to, the noise level and general craziness going on doesn't make it easy. They're joking around, being silly, letting off steam, etc.
  • Not everyone drinks, but most of the people are either drunk or at least a little buzzed. That tends to obviously make you act stupider.
  • If you run into someone who's acting rude or obnoxious, that one person obviously stands out in your mind. But you don't notice that the other two hundred people there that are behaving, and who are probably just as annoyed with the douchebags as you are.
  • Girls who go out can get pretty hassled. As a result they can adopt a more stuck-up persona as a kind of armor against all the losers who bother them.
  • Plenty of people who go clubbing feel shy or out of their element, but they look around and everyone else seems to have it together, so they put on a brave face and look confident as well. Sometimes it's the least likely people who are feeling insecure.

The hooking up / wanting to meet someone factor

I've mentioned this before in this article, but I'll go into this in more detail as I think it plays a big role in how people can come to be put off bars and clubs.
For a lot of people, trying to get laid / meet someone often ends in disappointment. There are men who are good at picking up girls, and there are women who manage to meet cute, fun guys at bars. But for every one of them, there are ten guys who are too nervous or awkward to meet any women, or there are ten girls who no one talks to, or who only get hit on by creepy jerks. You can only take having your hopes frustrated so many times. You may come to hate clubs themselves instead of just that fact that you can't meet anyone in them.
When you go out with the main goal of trying to meet someone, you also tend to put less thought into what type of bar you're going to. You just go where ever there seems to be a lot of cute girls or hot guys. As such, you're more likely to end up somewhere that isn't really to your taste. You can also be less choosy about who you go out with. So you can end up doing things like hanging out with guys whose company you don't totally enjoy just because you want a wingman around.
Another thing is that if you go out with a real 'must meet someone' attitude, it can cause you to lose your ability to appreciate elements of clubbing for their own sake. You can start to see everything you do as work and a means to an end. You evaluate how well your night went in terms of your results at meeting someone, not how much fun you had - if you had no luck, then your night sucked. If someone's comfortable with their love life it's nothing for them to go to a bar and just enjoy the music and the company and have a good night. If you're feeling more single and desperate, things like dancing, music, and being with people can seem more pointless to you. Of course it's not so easy to just have fun in the moment and not care about meeting someone, if that's what's important to you.

How to have more fun when you go to bars and clubs

Another reason some people don't like clubbing as much as they do is that they don't do everything they can to insure they have a good time at them:

Seek out places that align with your tastes

When people are new to clubbing they have a tendency to go to sprawling, flashy, stereotypically club-like clubs because they don't know what else is out there. For some people that scene is for them and they don't move on, but lots of others eventually move on to more subdued, smaller-scale venues. Picking the right place to go can make a huge difference in how much fun you have.
Take the time to look around and find a place with a good vibe, music you like, and a friendly crowd. If you're into punk rock and that whole subculture, there's no reason you need to be at some hot spot full of lasers and thumping techno. Avoid the places that are annoying. If a place sucks there's no reason you have to go to it, unless your friends all want to go, and even then you can make your case for going somewhere else.

Have some skills in clubbing activities

You usually have more fun at things when you're good at them. This applies to the usual activities clubbing entails. Dancing is horrible if you're not good at it, but quite fun once you've got some basic moves down. The idea of being "good" at joking around and hanging out and having fun is more abstract, but the same concept applies. Being able to meet and chat to strangers is another skill. Like I said in the last point, clubs are demoralizing if you want to meet people but can't, but once you know how a whole new world opens up.
A similar idea to being good at bar and club activities is being able to appreciate certain elements of the places. Like if you don't know much about music, it's nothing to care about. But once you learn about some bands and develop your tastes, then you can start to like that aspect of going to bars.

Go out with fun people

Bars can be pretty boring if you go out with the wrong people. Things to look for are people who have the same basic goal in mind as you (not you want to take it easy and have a few drinks, they want to dance all night), people who won't ditch you, and people who are generally fun company.

From :

Research : Why Do People Go Clubbing?

Why do people go clubbing? What are the benefits of clubbing and what are the dangers of going clubbing? As a leisure activity is clubbing fulfilling?
Why Do People Go Clubbing? - Ronline - wiki commons (
Ronline - wiki commons
Suffused with tinnitus-inducing music, predilections for showmanship and flattery, as well as felicitous men and women seeking to live-up to the ‘occasion’, clubbing and all its concomitant highs is big business.
Just one night could set a person back hundreds of pounds (thousands depending on where and which club) and etch firmly in the memory bank pyrrhic memories of desultory acts whilst drunk and a humorously updated Facebook album.
Nevertheless, clubbing has its benefits and is something almost everyone will try at some stage in their life, most notably during their younger years. But why do people go clubbing and what are its primary motivational factors behind it?
Sigmund Freud’s Theory
Legendary psychologist Sigmund Freud wrote about many things which spelled out his often bizarre psychological discourses. Ranging from cocaine, to the subconscious and the ‘phallus’, the Austrian touched upon very taboo subjects in his field.
His relevance to the clubbing debate? Well, simply, Freud argued that sexual desires are the primary motivational factor behind a person’s actions.
Hardly iconoclastic and if conjectured upon, widely accepted, Freud’s assertions donates that those who go clubbing are, to a certain degree (some more so some less so) motivated by a sexual desire.
Yes, for the man that is the desire to ‘pull’, a desire to meet a female accomplice for a one-night stand, the desire to get some new numbers; whilst for girls, the desire is to meet a potential ‘hubby’, or, to snug up alongside that Johnny Depp look-a-like for the night.
All seems to preponderate towards justifying Freud’s rather laconic view as to one factor motivating clubbers.
Are Clubbers Motivated By Competition?
In a beauty contest it is widely assumed everybody will dress to impress. In a trial, it is all in; a person’s identification with his or her personality/ego accentuates the desire to stand out more, or simply put, compete more with his or her counterpart.
The essence of competition is the feeling of superiority, separation and differentiation, axiomatically seen in nightclubs. "Fakeness" itself is defined as seeking to make something seem real in order to deceive other people.
High heels give way to higher heels, make-up turns into fully-fledged face paint, tight shirts eventually give way to naked torsos and obtaining a dance, or a ‘dutty wine’ followed swiftly by a number or two, epitomizes the competitive, self-egotistical, personality driven culture besetting nightclubbing as everybody and nobody seeks to impress, who though? Who?
It is precisely this which draws many away from clubbing. With the world and society already saturated by fervent capitalistic competition, rampant consumerism and the idea of ‘me, myself and I’ already prevalent in deprecating quantity, the last thing a more soul-orientated person would need is to be consumed in another environment of insuperable, ego-driven competition, a la clubs.
Clubbing as an Emotional Buzz
“Oh my gosh my days are getting numbered, there is no turning back, I am working 9-5!” so said British female rapper Lady Sovereign in one of her more recognizable hits.
The pint-sized former Big Brother star from Naesden, North-West London had a point. And so the average man or woman wakes up on Monday morning, goes to work at 9am to finish at 5pm.
Bereft of energy and a will to live come Friday evening; the same person has been mentally, emotionally and physically extirpated by a sententious boss and work so soul-sapping as to be rendered inane.
Despite the lugubriousness surrounding such a 9-5 existence, the man or woman turns to…clubbing!
The bright lights, incessant pop beats, easy access to alcohol and potential eye-candy on show gives a temporary meaning, release and more pertinently, buzz to life, hitherto not experienced during the week.
The problem is that come Monday morning ‘life’ as it is normally lived begins once again. The credit card bills still need to be paid, the boss is still angry, you are still single, the problems still exist and the emotional high has long since died. Well, it was good while it lasted!
The Benefits of Clubbing
Of course, the aforementioned points can be debated. Simplicity is the key, and more often than not, clubbing allows friends to spend a night together as friends, in addition to treasuring some priceless moments together. Moreover, those moments preparing for the night out are particularly fun-filled and frolic.
Music buffs are engrossed when their favourite hits send the airwaves into overdrive and the dance floor into ecstasy.
Everybody will have their own subjective reason as to why they go clubbing - the core of which is underpinned by one or more of the three factors noted.
From :

Why Do Women Go To Nightclubs?

The nightclub. Several rooms full of bustling babes, bass-filled tunes shaking the dance floor, and lights that make every person look great.

Ahh... the nightclub. You love to go there with your buddies, you love to watch the scenery, but you're not sure why women go to nightclubs if you've never left with one, or have never even met a decent one.

There must be more to nightclubs than going out with your friends and just gawking at women; why would women dress to impress in what looks like uncomfortable knee-high boots, if they were just there to be with the gals?

Well, what I'm about to impart should come as no newsflash. Women do go to nightclubs for various reasons. But if you think they all want to be approached just because every woman is letting her hair down and wearing tight black pants, then you need to get back to the end of the line, where the only person you'll be making conversation with is the bouncer.

attendance: possible

According to 100 women polled, there are 3 main reasons why women attend nightclubs:

1-- To meet men - 64% 
2-- To see what happens - 21% 
3-- To have fun - 12 % 
4-- Other (with boyfriend, on a date) - 3%

Now while this seems as obvious as why Kid Rock (or any man) is with Pamela Anderson, it's not so evident for the thousands of men who crowd the cities' nightclubs.

Men may realize that women are there to meet someone special, but their problem is that they approach the wrong type of woman, they go about it the wrong way, and they assume that any scantily clad woman wants to go home with them.

And it's this erroneous assumption that makes club-going men the world over frustrated when they leave a nightclub empty-handed (so to speak), no matter how well their hair is gelled and how much their biceps are popping out of their shirt.

what are your chances?

If you know that 64% of the women swaying their hips to "The Thong Song" are looking to meet men, and another 21% are there in order to "see where the night takes them, without having any expectations," then you know you have a way in.

The ones who are going there purely for fun usually have boyfriends, and are dancing away at the club while their men are congregated at someone's house watching the Tyson-Lewis match.

Even the small percentage of women that claim they're at the bar "purely to have fun," and are single, are looking for a man. They may not be actively looking, but if the right guy approaches them at a nightclub in the right manner, he has a chance.

Keep in mind that if most women in nightclubs are open to a relationship, it doesn't mean they are necessarily on the prowl -- it only means that they are "open" to the idea, and can be reeled in if you use the right bait.

Armed with this information, it's up to you to spot those who are there for the party, and those who are there for the afterparty .

For more information :

Research : Clubbing - The advantages and disadvantage of drinking alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are imbibed across the world. For some they serve as a uniting commonality for socializing, while others partake in tasty alcohol-containing drinks to reach altered states of consciousness, or to get drunk. The paradox of enjoying alcoholic beverages is that it comes with benefits and risks not just to your physical health but also other significant domains of your life, including work and relationships. The key to staying on the side of gleaning the advantages of alcohol use resides in safe, moderate consumption.
Advantage: Heart Health
The cardiovascular system includes your heart, circulatory and neurological systems, and cardiovascular disease is the primary killer of American men and women. Cardiovascular diseases can impact your arteries and heart, blood vessels leading to major organs or your brain, and include damage to any of these systems that can lead to stroke or heart attack. People free of cardiovascular complications actually can protect this system with moderate alcohol consumption. According to Harvard Health Publications, moderate alcohol use raises the high-density lipoprotein, or good cholesterol, level in your bloodstream, which plays a role in reducing the risk of clots in your blood vessels.

Disadvantage: Heart-Health Risk
Moderate alcohol consumption in healthy adults can be cardio-protective, but excessive alcohol consumption or alcohol use if you have existing heart disease increases your risk of heart complications. Continued alcohol use if you have high blood pressure can lead to blockage in the arteries from the brain, causing a sudden or severe disruption in the brain blood supply, or stroke. Excess alcohol consumption also increases the chance of chronic high blood pressure, which impacts the functionality of your heart.
Advantage: Other Health-Risk Reduction
Type 2 diabetes, a form of chronic metabolic disease due to poor insulin production, can result from differing contributing factors, like poor diet, pancreatic complications or obesity. Studies indicate that the risk of developing diabetes is reduced with regular, moderate alcohol consumption, but the exact benefit of alcohol on blood glucose management warrants ongoing research. Gallstones develop in the gallbladder and can result from too much cholesterol in the diet. Alcohol might minimize the risk of cholesterol accumulation that leads to gallstones. Consequently, excess alcohol consumption also can cause complications in blood glucose management if you have diabetes and poor liver functions that increase the risk of gallstones.
Disadvantage: Abuse and Alcoholism
The psychological impact of drinking alcohol presents with a wide-range of consequences depending on your drinking pattern. Alcohol abuse occurs when you engage in drinking that is unsafe and harmful to others. Binge drinking is a form of alcohol abuse. Blackouts or alcohol poisoning resulting from over-consumption are serious residual effects of alcohol abuse. Alcoholism develops over time as you require more beverages to achieve the intoxicating results, when you experience withdrawal symptoms when you do not drink, and when you engage in unsafe behaviors that impact yourself and others. Alcoholism and abuse often result in loss of relationships, loss of employment, vehicular accidents or violence.
Moderate Alcohol Consumption
A standard alcohol beverage is one 12 oz. beer, one 5 oz. glass of wine, or one 1.5 oz. glass of 80 proof distilled spirits, notes Moderate alcohol consumption for a man equates to no more than two standard drinks a day and for women it is the equivalent of one standard drink a day. If you do not currently drink alcoholic beverages, do not start, because you can obtain heart healthy benefits through other dietary means. If you have a problem with drinking alcohol, seek professional help to prevent long-term health and psychological complications.