Thursday, September 26, 2013

Research : SHOES

What does shoes mean in dreams?

Today’s term from Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide For Interpreting Any Dream is Shoes.  For no particular reason…
Universal Landscape:  How grounded you are.
Dreaming Lens:  Were you wearing shoes?  Were you looking for shoes?  Were you shopping for shoes?  Were you putting them on or taking them off?  Were they yours or someone else’s?  Were you aware of whose shoes you were wearing?  Was someone else wearing your shoes?
Personal Focus:  Shoes simultaneously protect our feet as well as express our sense of style.  Our feet symbolize how grounded we are and our ability to maneuver effectively on our chosen path.  The shoes that we wear or see in a dream reflect two things:  how we protect the stand we take in life and how we express ourselves with regard to the steps we take as we walk through life.
Looking at a particular pair of shoes to wear in a dream connects to a direction you have not yet embarked upon but may be considering.  Noticing someone else’s shoes might point to a number of thoughts about others, including envy, judgment or compassion–the latter of which can only occur when you have walked a mile in another person’s shoes.

A single shoe means a path that is only half-considered, or a switch that occurs midway through a process.  Losing or looking for shoes might point out insecurity that keeps you from moving through life in a more grounded fashion.  Sneakers or athletic shoes connect to speed and increased performance.  High- heeled shoes make a statement about a deliberate presentation that has impact, but can debilitate movement.  Wearing a very expensive shoe might illuminate issues around the desire for abundance.

What do shoes symbolize in art?

Shoes have so many functions, they can have many different meanings.

Shoes can represent protection, comfort, and shelter for obvious reasons.

For women, they can represent sexiness - high heels and stilettos. And for men they can represent status and wealth - Italian leather.

They can also been seen as symbols of travel and far away places, as well as very representational of the person who is in them. For example, think of all the different people you associate with different types of shoes: Dutch wooden shoes, athletic tennis shoes, surfer flip flops, Nazis boots. So they can also represent very common stereotypes.

Finally, shoes are made to be worn! On - Bible

We wear the “shoes of a Christian” because we are Christian. We are part of the family of God. These shoes never come off! We have removed the old shoes of our old life, and God gives us new shoes bought with the price of His only begotten Son. We wear these shoes for eternity!
We are like the prodigal in the story of the prodigal son of Luke 15.
Luke 15:22) But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: (KJV Bible)
Here is this rebellious, worthless, disloyal son who demands of his daddy an inheritance before his father’s death, who takes this handout, who doesn’t repent till it is all wasted – here he is audaciously wallowing in pig stink. Finally, he comes his senses, and decides to return to papa! What does the father do? The father is so elated - He runs with joy, He embraces with Godly forgiveness, He kisses much, He orders dinner and a party, and He gives his ‘new’ son a pair of shoes! The prodigal is once again a son. He is wearing the shoes to show it!
Put on your shoes, Christian friend. These shoes are made for walking!

What do shoes represent metaphorically?

They represent the kind of person you want to be seen as (for women), the kind of person you are (for men). I think it is especially true with men because they don't think about the little details sometimes. They will wear a beautiful new suit and an old scuffed pair of shoes with it. I always made it a point to never date a man who didn't wear good shoes on his first date. It was an indication that he either did not think enough of the date to wear something nice, or did not own anything nice because he was cheap or broke. Women, on the other hand, know the powerful message shoes send to the world. It is harder to get an accurate representation of the kind of person they are, rather you can judge the kind of person a woman wants to be or be seen as by looking at her shoes. Shoes can be a powerful indication of the type of person the wearer is, as long as you know how to read the situation correctly.

Shoes can represent ALOT of things, but summarizing it up, I would say they represent the freedom of humanity to walk on this Earth, protection between the world of humans and the world of nature, the amazingfeat of human feet in there ability to sustain such pressure all day

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