Monday, November 19, 2012

Research : The important of family Gathering/Reunions

The important of Family Gathering

Family gatherings with relatives and love ones may be more important than you may realize. Do you sometimes consider that your family was the first school that you entered when you arrived on this earth.  More importantly, Family Gatherings provides our children an opportunity to meet relatives, learn about the family ancestry, medical history, family values and relationships.

Developing positive relationships with family members actually plays an important role on just how successful and happy you might become later on in life. In addition, did you know that people with extended family connections tend to be more literate and often times reach out to get more education and better jobs? Some of us might even admit that Family Gatherings can often times be a lot of fun. We have certainly had good times at our 31 annual reunions. 

The decision several members of our family made 31 years ago, influenced us to meet during times of happiness, rather than during times of tragedy or death. The family values developed through the years has provided us with a solid foundation to love one another.  Though technology affords us an opportunity to keep in touch more easily, we must caution ourselves not to rely too much on long-distance technological conveniences, like e-mail, Face Book, My Space, Twitter and texting. These practices cannot replace the experience of actually gathering at the same location with family and love ones.

As one of the elders of our family, we ask each of you to get involved and participate in family activities. Doing so will strength our family relationships as our families continue to grow. The primary purpose of this website to broaden our ability to communicate and share information with each other. The site belongs to each of you and will hopefully reflect the experiences and accomplishment of every family member.

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